The skills, attitude and mindset to build
, and at work.

Celeste Blackman
The Green Zone Culture Group
Celeste is an international consultant and co-founder of The Green Zone Culture Group, dedicated to creating organizational cultures where high trust, emotional commitment and collaboration thrive. In addition, Celeste has taught communications in the Executive MBA program at the Wharton School of Business for more than 15 years.

Throughout her career Celeste's focus has been on the human side of business, helping leaders and managers create better more collaborative working environments, Green Zones. Green Zone work environments are characterized by open and effective communication, accountability and cooperation. It is in these environments that human energy soars, employees care about their work and each other, people connect with one another and cooperate to achieve extraordinary results.

Celeste is dedicated to reducing fear and defensiveness in the workplace, the underlying cause of most of the human problems in organizations. She helps leaders and managers achieve this by combining the best of behavioral science and experiential learning to help people develop the skills, the attitude and the mindset for building strong relationships. She has a special interest in the emerging fields of neuroleadership and interpersonal neurobiology. She incorporates knowledge from these fields to create training experiences that are brain-friendly, thereby accelerating personal growth and organizational effectiveness.

Celeste has worked with a wide range of clients including NASA, The Human Element Sweden, Chevron, Idaho Power, Business Consultants of Japan, The United Nations, the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute. A certified Marshall Goldsmith coach, Celeste has been coaching clients regarding career, life and performance issues for over 20 years. She is the former Manager of the San Mateo County Hospital Consortium's Career Fitness Center, where she provided training and coaching as part of a comprehensive retention strategy for hospitals. Prior to that, she was the Director of Corporate and Career Education at Maryville University in St. Louis, Missouri. In addition, Celeste is certified in all of the FIRO instruments, The Human Element®, Radical Collaboration® and The Implicit Career Search, along with the MBTI®, the Step II®, the ARSENAL, and the BarOn® EQ-i. She holds a Masters degree in Public Administration and was a recipient of the Presidential Management Internship Award. Her Baccalaureate degree is in Communications.

Better Together - A Radically Collaborative Approach to a Better Work Environment
Women in Safety Excellence Annual Conference
San Antonio, TX
June, 2018
Connection Is Our Super Power
New York City Women's Conference at Microsoft
New York, New York
February, 2018
Safety First:  The Precondition for Building Trust, Engagement and Collaboration at Work
The Greater Orlando Organization Development network
Orlando, FL
October, 2017
An Introduction to Green Zone Cultures:  Positive Emotional Climates
UC Santa Cruz Administrative Management Professionals 9th Annual Fall Conference
Santa Cruz, CA
September, 2017
A New Dimension for Team Science:  Individual and System Elements in Collaboration
2016 Science of Team Science Conference
Phoenix, AR
June, 2016
Green Zone Cultures
Jacksonville Association of Health Underwriters, 2016 Annual Conference
Jacksonville, FL
January, 2016
The Neurogenetics of Branding
The Association of Internal Management Consultants, 2015 Annual Conference
Marco Island, FL
April, 2015
Co-presented with JW Wilson, Executive Director, The Advanced Learning Institute
Sick, Sad and Stupid:  The Damaging Effects of Stress and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
Red Mountain Spa and Resort
Ivins Utah
December, 2014
Green Zone Culture and the Neurogenetics of Influence
Association of Internal Management Consultants 2014 Annual Conference
Marco Island, Florida
May, 2014
Co-presented with JW Wilson, Executive Director, The Advanced Learning Institute
Creativity in the Green Zone
African Society For Training And Development
Drakensburg, South Africa
March, 2014
Sick, Sad and Stupid:  The Damaging Effects of Stress and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
Red Mountain Spa and Resort
Ivins Utah
July, 2012
The Collaboration Workout:  Because HR is a Contact Sport
Society of Human Resource Managers, state conference
Albuquerque, New Mexico
March, 2012
Please Lie to Me:  Creating Safe Environments to Increase Inclusion
Blue Cross Blue Shield Diversity Conference
Jacksonville, FL
May, 2011
The Green Zone:  Igniting Human Energy for Change
Canadian Association of Management Consultants annual conference
Victoria British Columbia
May, 2011
Collaborative Communication
Women of Wharton
San Francisco
May, 2011
A Brain-Wise Approach for Creating Transformational Experiences
Swedish Human Element, Practitioner Development
Stockholm, Sweden
February, 2010
Primal Management, Unraveling the Secrets of Human Nature to Drive High Performance
BCON Organizational Development Seminar Series
Tokyo, Japan
January, 2010
Get Smart:  Using Social Intelligence to Increase Personal Influence
Association of Internal Management Consultants National Conference
Orlando, FL
May, 2009
Clearing Your Lens:  Because You Cannot Facilitate Their Stuff If You Cannot See Your Own!
International Association of Facilitators, Annual International Conference
Vancouver, Canada
April, 2009
An Introduction to FIRO Theory
Sacramento Area OD Network regional meeting
Sacramento, CA
February, 2008
Best Practices for Building Trust
Chevron Leadership Academy regional meeting
San Ramon, CA
October, 2007
The Human Side of Change
Association of Internal Management Consultants National Conference
San Marco, FL
April, 2007
The Elegant Use of Self
Bay Area OD Network Conference
San Francisco, CA
January, 2007
Becoming a Trusted Advisor
Association of Internal Management Consultants National Conference
San Marco, FL
April, 2006
Building a Trust-Centered Environment
Boeing Leadership Center, Leadership Series
St. Louis, MO
June, 2005
Eliminating the Blame Game
National Human Resource Association
St. Louis, MO
January, 2005
激安ブランド,スーパーコピー後払い国内発送,最高級スーパーコピー,モンクレール激安,モンクレールコピー,激安ブランド,ブランドコピー,モンクレール スーパーコピー,シャネルコピー 財布,スーパーコピー後払い,モンクレール コピー,韓国コピー